Making a Financial Contribution
Making a financial contribution
As with all areas of life at the moment be it business, charities, sports clubs etc; the parish too is experiencing severe income restrictions at present.
We now have a facility where parishoners can make payments with Debit and Credit Cards. It’s real easy once you have registered the first time.
Go into the Parish Website, click the Donate Button …. (First time you will be asked to register) There are four options to choose from 1. Offertory/Development Fund. 2. Clergy Fund. 3. Community Newsletter Payments. 4 Other Office Payments. 5. Diocesan Collections (this heading here will change for each individual collection, presently it’s Trocaire)
Parishoners can also submit Development or Parish Clergy envelopes , can do so by dropping them into the Parish Office PostBox … This box is camera protected, and is emptied at regular intervals.